Title :
In the King James Bible,
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Matt 3:22
Content :
In the King James Bible, the place where Jesus began his ministry is unclear. In JST Matt 3:22, Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, takes Jesus to the eastern part of Galilee then to live in the City of Nazareth.
Why did Rigon want the young Jesus to begin his career in the east? Why would anyone add such an odd piece of information to the King James Bible
Notes :
In the King James Bible,
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Matt 3:22
Content :
In the King James Bible, the place where Jesus began his ministry is unclear. In JST Matt 3:22, Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, takes Jesus to the eastern part of Galilee then to live in the City of Nazareth.
Why did Rigon want the young Jesus to begin his career in the east? Why would anyone add such an odd piece of information to the King James Bible
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