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D&C 107:56 (attributed to Rigdon):
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Scripture Reference : D&C 107
Content :
D&C 107:56 (attributed to Rigdon): Adam stood up in the midst of the congregation; and, notwithstanding he was bowed down with age, being full of the Holy Ghost, predicted whatsoever should befall his posterity unto the latest generation. These things were all written in the Book of Enoch.
Masonic Grand Assembly: Enoch called a special assembly of Masons in whom he could confide... It was it was here Adam communicated that terrible prophecy, that all mankind, except a few just persons, should so far swerve from their allegiance to God, as to cause the destruction of all created things by water and fire.
Salvatore (2010) also noted that: The Grand Assembly is unique to the Masonic and Mormon (D&C 107) accounts. The Mormon account says that these things were written in the Book of Enoch, but 1 Enoch does not contain that information. Masonry does
Notes :
Oliver, G. (1823) The Antiquities of Freemasonry. London: G. and W. B. Whittaker. https://archive.org/details/OliverGTheAntiquitiesOfFreemasonry1823 The degeneracy of mankind increasing, Enoch exhorted them to turn from their unrighteous ways, and imitate the purity of their forefathers. He pressed upon them the nature of their obligations; he reiterated their duty to God and man; but the fascinations of pleasure had so intoxicated their senses, that the sober admonitions of reason and duty were little regarded. He therefore called a special assembly of Masons in whom he could confide, and in the presence of Adam, Seth, Jared his father, and Methusaleh his son, he enumerated the accumulating wickedness of man, and the enormous evils which were desolating the earth ; and implored their advice and assistance in stemming the torrent of impiety which threatened a universal corruption. It was here Adam communicated that terrible prophecy, that all mankind, except a few just persons, should so far swerve from their allegiance to God, as to cause the destruction of all created things by water and fire
D&C 107:56 (attributed to Rigdon):
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 107
Content :
D&C 107:56 (attributed to Rigdon): Adam stood up in the midst of the congregation; and, notwithstanding he was bowed down with age, being full of the Holy Ghost, predicted whatsoever should befall his posterity unto the latest generation. These things were all written in the Book of Enoch.
Masonic Grand Assembly: Enoch called a special assembly of Masons in whom he could confide... It was it was here Adam communicated that terrible prophecy, that all mankind, except a few just persons, should so far swerve from their allegiance to God, as to cause the destruction of all created things by water and fire.
Salvatore (2010) also noted that: The Grand Assembly is unique to the Masonic and Mormon (D&C 107) accounts. The Mormon account says that these things were written in the Book of Enoch, but 1 Enoch does not contain that information. Masonry does
Notes :
Oliver, G. (1823) The Antiquities of Freemasonry. London: G. and W. B. Whittaker. https://archive.org/details/OliverGTheAntiquitiesOfFreemasonry1823 The degeneracy of mankind increasing, Enoch exhorted them to turn from their unrighteous ways, and imitate the purity of their forefathers. He pressed upon them the nature of their obligations; he reiterated their duty to God and man; but the fascinations of pleasure had so intoxicated their senses, that the sober admonitions of reason and duty were little regarded. He therefore called a special assembly of Masons in whom he could confide, and in the presence of Adam, Seth, Jared his father, and Methusaleh his son, he enumerated the accumulating wickedness of man, and the enormous evils which were desolating the earth ; and implored their advice and assistance in stemming the torrent of impiety which threatened a universal corruption. It was here Adam communicated that terrible prophecy, that all mankind, except a few just persons, should so far swerve from their allegiance to God, as to cause the destruction of all created things by water and fire