Title :
The Enoch narrative also came
Year :
1773, 1800, 1730, 1794
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Scripture Reference :
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The Enoch narrative also came to America by way of Scottish freemason James Bruce, who returned from Ethiopia to Scotland carrying 1 Enoch in 1773. According to Bruno, It islikely that he [Bruce] communicated the essential stories of both obscure texts to his Masonic brethren in Scotland and North America.word-of-mouth accountswere likely to have circulated in Masonic lodges in the United States prior to 1800.
James Bruce(17301794
Notes :
Cheryl Bruno, 2014. Congruence and Concatenation in Jewish Mystical Literature, American Freemasonry, and Mormon Enoch Writings. J. of Religion and Society 16:1-19. http://moses.creighton.edu/JRS/2014/2014-35.pdf Cheryl Bruno
The Enoch narrative also came
Year :
1773, 1800, 1730, 1794
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
The Enoch narrative also came to America by way of Scottish freemason James Bruce, who returned from Ethiopia to Scotland carrying 1 Enoch in 1773. According to Bruno, It islikely that he [Bruce] communicated the essential stories of both obscure texts to his Masonic brethren in Scotland and North America.word-of-mouth accountswere likely to have circulated in Masonic lodges in the United States prior to 1800.
James Bruce(17301794
Notes :
Cheryl Bruno, 2014. Congruence and Concatenation in Jewish Mystical Literature, American Freemasonry, and Mormon Enoch Writings. J. of Religion and Society 16:1-19. http://moses.creighton.edu/JRS/2014/2014-35.pdf Cheryl Bruno