Complete figure legend: The Yankee Peddler from the drawing by Felix O. C. Darley in Frank Leslie’s Weekly. The first Yankee peddlers were young men able to cope with the dangers of the wilderness through which they had to travel. Subsequently, older men took up the peddler’s pack.
Complete figure legend: The Yankee Peddler from the drawing by Felix O. C. Darley in Frank Leslie’s Weekly. The first Yankee peddlers were young men able to cope with the dangers of the wilderness through which they had to travel. Subsequently, older men took up the peddler’s pack.
in Nov. 25, John St.John, editor of the Cleveland Herald, claimed that he knew Cowdery when he was a “a dabbler in the art of Printing, and principally occupied in writing and printing pamphlets, with which, as a pedestrian Pedlar, he visited the towns and villages of western New York and in Canada.”